Group Espada​
Special Tactics, Strategies and Concepts - TRAIN TO LIVE!
Train to Live
They are not just words.
They represent the very foundation of the Group Espada spirit and vision.
It is shouted with enthusiasm, passion and commitment.
To "Train to Live" is to consciously decide that all your training, is performed with the singular purpose of winning.
Your performance, drive and dedication is always nothing short of your very best.
You do not quit when things get hard, because when lives depend on your ability to win, you cannot quit!
You never take the easy path, because to do so would be dishonorable.
Your chosen path is littered with adversity, obstacles and challenges.
Your path forges you like a blacksmith forges iron.
Your path is a crucible and the tests you face are nothing short of a gauntlet, yet you welcome the opportunity to fail.
Whining, faltering, complaining or giving anything less than your all, never enters your mind. Those are tools employed by the less committed, by the pseudo-warrior.
Train to Live - they are not just words - they are a way of life!
They are a mindset, a framework; a sacred vow to yourself, that through extreme training and sacrifice, you will find victory!
No matter the personal sacrifice, the effort required or the cost!
You will fight on!
Because you...Train to Live!